“This is where I’ve called you to go. And these are the people I've called you to minister unto.”
God revealed His vision to Pastor Perfeto causing him to hover over the city of Fort Worth with a clear view of downtown. He spoke to him saying, “This is where I have called you to go, and these are the people I have called you to minister unto.”
Today, ten years later, they are meeting in that exact location the Lord showed him and ministering to the very people God had spoken to him about.
These past ten years Pastors Perfeto and Lisa have ministered to thousands of people through the teaching of the Word of God, street witnessing, biker rallies, children’s outreaches, dramas, Spanish services, prison ministry, Bible College, feeding and clothing the homeless, and giving clothing, bedding and toiletries to families in need.
Through their ministry people have been set free from drug addiction, alcoholism, gang violence, depression, and suicide. Families and marriages have been restored, people have been healed in their bodies, and set free in their minds.